PsL Monthly 1997 December
PSL Volume 5 Number 12.iso
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AROSW301.ZIP 974465 10-14-97 A_Roster 3.01 helps organize employee rosters
| on a day by day basis for a given week. There
| can be an unlimited number of sites and the
| roster of any particular day can contain an
| unlimited number of employees. Sites can be
| named to designate them as sites,
| departments, shifts or anything else you
| require. (Planned Estates Corporation Pt)
| (Reg.Fee: $99)
BMWC.ZIP 4926485 10-21-97 BMW Plus 2.5 is a bulk mail presorting
| assistance package for Windows. (Edmond
| Hardin) (Reg.Fee: $173)
BS1SB.ZIP 3297216 10-07-97 BS/1 Small Business 1.1d is a suite of
| accounting programs designed for use by small
| to medium-sized businesses. Features included
| multi-currency support to facilitate
| international selling and purchasing, the
| ability to print invoices and checks, and
| much more. Requires Win95/NT. (Davis Business
| Systems Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $49+)
CAL3104B.ZIP 578667 10-14-97 Calendar+. 1.04.00 is a powerful ToDo list
| and appointment manager for Windows. Features
| include support for up to 65,000 items, a
| daily journal, automatic backup of databases,
| the ability to instantly stamp items with the
| current date and time, and much more. (Jesse
| Roberge) (Reg.Fee: $25)
CNTDWN12.ZIP 124598 10-20-97 Judy's Countdown 1.2 helps you keep track of
| upcoming important events, and "counts down"
| the days until the big day arrives. You can
| have multiple events per day, and can choose
| the number of upcoming events to show on
| screen. It comes configured for many
| holidays, and allows you to add your own
| important events. (Judy's Applications) (ASP)
| (Reg.Fee: $10)
CSHOP1.ZIP 632237 10-24-97 Circuit Shop 1.0 allows you to create and
| learn electronic circuits and concepts.
| Features include drawing support to construct
| simple circuits consisting of basic analog
| devices such as resistors, batteries,
| transistors, diodes, and transformers, a
| tutorial which teaches basic electronic
| concepts, and a simple paint toolbox to allow
| text, lines, ovals and rectangles to be added
| as circuit annotations. (Cherrywood Systems)
| (Reg.Fee: $29)
DM3120D.ZIP 1072136 10-17-97 Delegator Multi-User (16-bit) 2.0d is a
| performance and project management system for
| large and small organizations. This allows
| you to track assignments, plan workloads,
| manage projects, review long term
| performance, communicate priorities, bring
| forward items, manage contacts, and more. It
| can be adjusted to fit your organizational
| style and preferences. (Madrigal Soft Tools
| Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $180+)
DM9520D.ZIP 896944 10-20-97 Delegator Multi-User (32-bit) 2.0d is a
| performance and project management system for
| large and small organizations. This allows
| you to track assignments, plan workloads,
| manage projects, review long term
| performance, communicate priorities, bring
| forward items, manage contacts, and more. It
| can be adjusted to fit your organizational
| style and preferences. (Madrigal Soft Tools
| Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $180+)
DYNAMO.ZIP 645729 10-28-97 Dynamo 1.01 is an analog simulator designed
| to aid in the analysis of complex dynamic
| systems (mechanical, electrical, etc.). It
| allows a designer to easily model real world
| components and interactions, studying the
| resulting responses with a computer rather
| than having to physically model the system.
| (Tom Wiseley) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $65)
ETSETUP.ZIP 978628 10-21-97 Engineer's Toolbar 1.0.1 provides easy access
| to commonly-needed utilities for engineering
| and science students and professionals. It
| allows you to convert a number from one set
| of units to another, calculate the inertia of
| a common shape, determine the density of a
| material in a particular unit, or look up a
| common trigonometric or calculus function.
| (Spectrum's Edge) (Reg.Fee: $28)
EZDTRK.ZIP 1450134 10-07-97 EZDateTrak 1.00 helps track date-sensitive
| events such as birthdays, anniversaries,
| appointments and more. Requires Win95/NT.
| This version is usage limited. (Roger D.
| McCook) (Reg.Fee: $10)
LOADCAL.ZIP 1986063 10-21-97 LoadCalc 97 1.00 is an electrical design tool
| for Win95/NT. Features include the ability to
| calculate service and feeder sizes for
| dwelling units, standard/optional and
| additions to existing units, the ability to
| perform demand factoring, and more. (Robert
| J. La Capra) (Reg.Fee: $95)
NOATAK10.ZIP 4734154 10-21-97 Noatak 1.0 allows you to keep track of the
| most common data about a dog kennel. You can
| enter dogs in a database, compute and print
| four kinds of pedigrees for those dogs, keep
| track of all the littermates, enter kennel
| records for certain dogs, enter pictures of
| those dogs, and much more. (Noatak Racing
| Team) (Reg.Fee: $99)
RM3130F.ZIP 1082288 10-20-97 ResSched Multi-User (16-bit) 3.0f performs
| employee and task scheduling in WIN31. You
| can schedule use of equipment, facilities and
| other resources, set up repeat schedules,
| perform conflict checking and scan for
| available time slots. Time may be allocated
| by the day, hour, or fraction of an hour.
| (Madrigal Soft Tools Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $180+)
RM9530F.ZIP 884090 10-20-97 ResSched Multi-User (32-bit) 3.0f assists in
| the scheduling of people, equipment,
| facilities and other resources. Features
| include group scheduling of resources, many
| options for repeat scheduling, flexible
| conflict checking, fast scanning of bookings
| and available time slots, drop lists for
| routine booking information, and more.
| Requires Win95/NT. (Madrigal Soft Tools Inc.)
| (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $180+)
RS3130F.ZIP 1067528 10-20-97 ResSched Single User (16-bit) 3.0f assists in
| the scheduling of people, equipment,
| facilities and other resources. Features
| include group scheduling of resources, many
| options for repeat scheduling, flexible
| conflict checking, fast scanning of bookings
| and available time slots, drop lists for
| routine booking information, and more.
| (Madrigal Soft Tools Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $49)
RS9530F.ZIP 869138 10-20-97 ResSched Single User (32-bit) 3.0f assists in
| the scheduling of people, equipment,
| facilities and other resources. Features
| include group scheduling of resources, many
| options for repeat scheduling, flexible
| conflict checking, fast scanning of bookings
| and available time slots, drop lists for
| routine booking information, and more.
| Requires Win95/NT. (Madrigal Soft Tools Inc.)
| (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $49)
SM22C16.ZIP 1381151 10-14-97 SuperMail for Windows 2.2c allows you to
| maintain an unlimited number of records for
| an unlimited number of mailing lists. It
| prints labels, envelopes, letters, and
| reports. Other features include dBase and
| ASCII import/export, duplication checker, a
| built-in word processor, and a zipcode
| checker. (Robert K. Summers) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $39)
SM22C32.ZIP 1404181 10-14-97 SuperMail for Windows (32-bit) 2.2c is a
| powerful mailing list package for Win95 that
| allows you to maintain an unlimited number of
| records. It prints labels, envelopes,
| letters, and reports. Other features include
| the ability to import/export dBase and ASCII
| records, zipcode checker, duplicate checker,
| and more. (Robert K. Summers) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $39)
TD22D16.ZIP 572739 10-14-97 Things To Do (16-bit) 2.2d is a powerful, yet
| extremely easy-to-use task manager for
| Windows. You can keep track of an unlimited
| number of tasks, filter tasks by key word and
| date range, and print task lists with several
| options. (Robert K. Summers) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $20)
TD22D32.ZIP 621516 10-14-97 Things To Do (32-bit) 2.2d is a powerful, yet
| extremely easy to use task manager for Win95.
| You can keep track of an unlimited number of
| tasks, filter tasks by key word and date
| range, and print task lists with several
| options. (Robert K. Summers) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $20)
VIN16_77.ZIP 247037 10-21-97 Vinny Graphics (16-bit) 1.77 is a graphing
| and data analysis program for engineers and
| engineering students. It is easy to use and
| accepts and exports data through a variety of
| sources. (Vincent J. Jr. Sansevero) (Reg.Fee:
| $10)
VIN32_77.ZIP 227092 10-21-97 Vinny Graphics (32-bit) 1.77 is a graphing
| and data analysis program for engineers and
| engineering students. It is easy to use and
| accepts and exports data through a variety of
| sources. (Vincent J. Jr. Sansevero) (Reg.Fee:
| $10)
W3P1.ZIP 1878064 10-14-97 WinWhatWhere For Families 1.00 is a powerful
| time and usage monitor for Windows. It will
| display when a program started and how long
| it ran, a list of activities by program name
| and window caption, and the location of the
| program and its associated files. Other
| features include detailed report generation,
| automatic history deletion after a
| user-specified time, daily summary
| information, and much more. (Richard Eaton)
| (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $29)
YTD.ZIP 131942 10-22-97 YTD is an Excel workbook that allows the
| easy tracking of annual leave, sick leave,
| overtime and workdays of employees. (John
| Norton) (Reg.Fee: $9 Pnds.)
ZIPEVAL.ZIP 3656318 10-07-97 ZipAddress 1.2.79 provides a comprehensive
| link to the data of the United States Postal
| Service Zip+4 database to deliver rapid,
| accurate postal addresses for the whole of
| the USA. It can speed up the entry of address
| information into other programs, and look up
| addresses, even if only fragments are known.
| This also provides a wealth of additional
| postal information linked to the Zip+4 code.
| (David Dorricott) (Reg.Fee: $?)